Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum is multifunctional DVD ripping software capable of ripping DVD to almost all video and audio formats, including MPEG-4, AVI, DivX, XviD, RM, FLV, SWF, MOV, 3GP, WMV, WMA, MP3, AAC, AC3, M4A, WAV etc. The powerful compatibility for iPod, iPhone, PSP, Apple TV etc. of Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum enables you to rip DVD to any format they supported easily.

Additionally, you can choose any chapter or clip any segment to get custom DVD audio and video optionally. And customizing profile and output file size is also supported in Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum.

Key Features:
1. Rip DVD movie to most popular video formats, e.g. MPEG-4, AVI, DivX, XviD, RM, FLV, SWF, MOV, 3GP, WMV;

2. Help you get any audio files from DVD, like MP3, AAC, AC3, M4A, WAV, WMA etc.

3. Clip any segment you want to rip from DVD, and merge several segments into one if necessary;

4. Split source files into several by file size or time, or merge several sources into one;

5. Rip DVD to multiple different formats at one time for your diversified needs;

6. There are detailed audio and video settings provided in Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum, for example, quality, sample rate, channel and split mode etc.;

7. Create and edit custom profile optionally in the way of choosing a profile, adjusting its parameters and renaming;

8. Customize the size of output audio and video file for different devices;

9. Support both NTSC and PAL DVD ripping;

10. Preview the source DVD for the convenience of choosing the segments to rip;

11. Retrieve DVD information from the Internet automatically or manually;

12. The output audio and video quality is so excellent beyond your imagination;

Free try Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum now and have a wonderful enjoyment on your converted movies!

Xilisoft Corporation focuses on the users' experience all along, offering the most easy-to-use software and consummate service.

Alimente sus conejos

 - El conejo come muy bien residuos de la huerta como
tallos, repollo, zanahoria, hojas verdes, hojas de remola-
cha y de frijol, arroz, pasto elefante,imperial, ramio, kiku-
yo, kudzu, guayabas.
  - Antes de darle el pasto a los conejos, pongalo al sol
de un día para otro, para que pierda el agua, así evita que
los conejos, se inflen y mueran.
 - Amarre los manojos de pasto y cuelguelos de la jaula,
así evitara que los conejos lo pisen, lo orinen y ensucien
con sus excrementos.
 - Deje alimento en las horas de la noche a los conejos,
ya que comen mas de noche que de día.
 - La sal es importante porque suministra cierta cantidad
de mineral. Se les puede dar rociándola sobre los alimen-
tos o dejeles una cucharada sopera de sal mineralizada en
la canoa, para que la coman cuando quieran.
 - No se preocupe si ve a los conejos comiendo su propio
excremento, esto es normal. 

5. Biofertilizante a base de estiércol de vaca sin sales minerales

  “Donde hay una empresa de éxito, alguien tomó alguna vez una decisión valiente”. Peter Drucker 5. Biofertilizante a base de estiércol de v...